








  • What is ERP ?
  • ERP or Enterprise resource planning is applying technology to your core fundamental business functions. This helps automation of your business functions resulting into efficient business performance in the minimum time & cost possible. ERP is not only a competitive advantage but also a faster way to grow your business.

  • What are the core functions of ERP ?
  • The core functions of ERP are Market intelligence, Production planning, Supply management, Accounts management, Purchase planning, Database maintenance, Customer relationship management, Marketing management, and support on internal protocols like purchase approvals.

  • How does ERP boost my business performance ?
  • ERP integrates your business functions like Purchase, Production, Marketing, Accounting, & Sales in such a manner that they perform as a support function to each other.  For e.g.: Consider your production department, it needs vigilant instructions on how much to produce? This question is answered by the sales team, as they know how much can be sold. Also sales team would be supported by the marketing team, as sales would also depend on the advertising and marketing communication. So the marketing intelligence package of ERP supports the marketing team by deriving data on factors like competition and consumer demand. This data is processed to understand how much can be sold and how much needs to be produced. The stock management is linked online with the ledger. So the accounting is done as soon as a new item is bought or produced or sold. That is a purchase, or sales invoice is made as soon as an entry is made in the system. So all the functions are system integrated and you get any data related to sales or production at a click of the mouse button. Once the plethora of day-to-day business activities are automated into a process application, they reduce the work load by making the work flow productive & efficient. This leads to improved performance by employees, minimal errors, reduction in unnecessary costs, & technological empowerment.

  • How does ERP make my business functions efficient ?
  • As you can see, how ERP integrates all the business functions. The results would be that your business processes are simplified - as you know what the customer wants, when the customer wants, and how much you can or need to produce. You can make these decisions real time depending on analysis of market conditions, customer preferences, demographics, and other factors. ERP will do this real time analysis for you. Needless to say this will enhance your valueproposition and profitability. The cost overheads and work load that is reduced by ERP implementation saves time and money for you, which can be utilized wherever necessary.

  • Is ERP implemented only by large scale organizations ?
  • In today’s competitive business world no organization can be demarcated as big or small. There is opportunity for everyone at a cost. The cost can be competition, customer mindset, Regulations, or getting credible suppliers. Big businesses get downsized or break down into small strategic business units. Small businesses can enjoy a meteoric and organic growth. This happens due to the changing technological environment in which we operate today. We all want to be certain in terms of our business strategies and plans. ERP offers this certainty to your business by cutting down on unnecessary cost & workload due to redundant processes. TLC believes that if your organization needs a growth momentum in terms of the market opportunities and available avenues, TLC ERP will definitely participate in your growth initiatives. If you perceive your organization as very diverse and needs focus on one particular business line, TLC ERP will definitely provide assistance to achieve that goal.

  • How is ERP a competitive advantage ?
  • ERP is not only a critical business support application but also a provider of business analysis & market intelligence. Business analysis and market intelligence will help you take adequate, accurate, & prompt steps towards profitable growth. ERP changes the organization functionality from a need based working to a prompt proactive style of working. Today’s business environment belongs to knowledge workers who are beholders of competitive information. ERP supports your business by defining information acquisition & implementation timelines.

  • What is the role of TLC Infotech ?
  • TLC InfoTech believes in forming sustainable & productive alliances with its clients on the foundation of mutual trust, common objective of growth, and excellence. We believe that the services we offer are a beginning to cater to your specific needs, with continuous efforts to bridge the gap between your expectations and our offerings. We propose to form an alliance which will bring certainty, adaptability, & sustainability to both TLC InfoTech and you in this ever changing and uncertain business environment.

  • Is ERP unduly sophisticated & expensive ?
  • The general view towards ERP is that it is expensive & unduly sophisticated. This is where TLC InfoTech comes into picture and presents you this dynamic ERP software in a very simple and subtle manner. TLC ERP is not unduly expensive or sophisticated. We value your business proposition and do not intend to advice on restructuring it or put your business through a tedious process of change. We would keep your business process identical with your vision and mission. TLC ERP will help you achieve a sustainable growth model without making major changes in your legacy system. Infact we would be very flexible in terms of changing or fine-tuning our ERP to your existing business process.
    Also, if you find your existing business process redundant and intend to change your business process and if so required we will analyze your business needs and the ERP requirements. This will help us prepare a road map in lines with your specific business objectives.

    TLC ERP has the following crucial advantages over the other ERP  
    • Unlimited users license
    • Three years onsite support free of cost
    • Complete training free of cost to all users
    • Price will include all packages of TLC ERP. No extra cost.
    • TLC ERP will be customized to the core to suite your exact functionality.
    • Complete customization and configuration done by TLC, so that you have to only use it.
    • TLC ERP supports multiple databases. So whichever database you will choose to save your data in, we have the complete support for all of them.
    • Multi lingual support to TLC ERP.
    • Customized report generation as per your requirements. TLC will provide you all types of reports and graph which you require.
    • You can not only print reports but also store report in various formats like word, Excel, pdf

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